
We would never claim to be able to do everything, and we know that most of our customers already have other systems in place that we need to work with. These could be for billing, HR (holidays etc),  Support or Dev teams to name a few. One of the first questions we get asked is whether we can support SSO and the answer is yes, we can!

We have already integrated into billing/ERP systems based off approved timelogs, and to HR for Resource availability, but each integration is different, so none of these are pre-built (unless you happen to be using the same systems as our other customers!). We can build our integrations with you, including building additional API endpoints if needed, or you can use your own in-house expertise to connect to our system using the API. Whichever route you choose we will be here to support you. 


Talk to Us!

If you would like to talk about existing integrations, or discuss integrating into your existing system then hit the button!

