Demystifying Change Playbook - Tools and Practices for Effective Business Transformation

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In business, change is a one-stop-shop word to describe the impact to business processes, people and target operating models deriving from new strategic directions, new technology, new contexts. Change describes the transition to the new stage and the management practices to land it there. It comes in different shapes and sizes, according to impact and reach.

Delivering change is hard but doesn’t have to be complicated

When we complicate change, we compromise business and that also results in projects’ delays, spiralling costs, teams lacking the confidence to deliver, internal conflict and stakeholders withdrawing support.

A recent KPMG report[1] shows a persisting low level success of programmes of transformation with only 19% of organisations delivering successful projects, and according to PMI[2] '9.9% of every $ is wasted due to poor project performance' – that’s $99 million for every $1 billion invested.

Keep things effective but simple

How do you keep things effective but simple?  This playbook is about demystifying change.  Francesca Valli explains the tools and practices that have worked for her, again and again, and that will see you deliver change and show you what to do if those project-earthquakes hit.

A welcome from Francesca

"My work is about demystifying change. This emperor really has no clothes.

My name is Francesca Valli. I have delivered large, complex programmes of transformation to global corporates. It is my view that programmes of transformation fail because effective business change practices are inexistent, business governance is weak and because the ‘mechanics’ of the delivery malfunctioning.

In my writing I share what I have learnt in decades working in transformation. I share the tools and practices that have worked with me again and again and that will see you deliver change and ‘make it stick’ in your organisation. We make business change so difficult – it doesn’t need to be.  Watch, read and enjoy it."


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[1] KPMG’s ‘The Future of Project Management. Global Outlook 2019

[2] PMI’s ‘Pulse of the Profession’ – 2018 edition



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